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Our format of consultancy for bars and restaurants provides special assistance to all levels of this trade to improve your business and knowledge, from being able to simply improve with a classes and meetings in your establishment to deal with all aspects of the business in which we can help you.


- "Cocktail specs"
- Standard and service protocols
- Creation of the concept
- Design and "mise en place"of the bar/floor
- Human Resources
- Opening schedules
- Opening party activity
- Creation of the menu (cocktails and drinks) with calculation of the mark up (sale prices)
- Providers, study of prices, agreements with brands
- Calculation of costs, margins and benefits (GP gross profit and break even (breaking point)
- Warehouse, order forms and stock
- Staff training (protocols, cocktails, service, up selling of specifics products etc)
- Brand registration
- Accounting
- Maintenance, bureaucracy (agency, contracts with external maintenance companies, tax form, etc.)
- Marketing, social networks and communication
- Monitoring of the work done (innovations, updates and current level evaluation)
- Sale of bartending tools, products and equipment


The objective is to transmit our knowledge on how to work with staff members of new or existing establishments, even in the world of yachties, we guarantee the missing links to ensure a future that will only enrich your business and your career in the field of the hospitality industry, transmitting our skills acquired during more than 15 years of experience.

To not be misunderstood, we will not replace, change or disclose anyone that is already part of your business, our job is to collaborate with you and learn the basis in which you are used to work and we can only add knowledge and knowhow that you can apply to all the aspects.

This service includes printed protocols studied by post for your situation, links to external files and a certificate from our company.